*Spoilers Ahead, Duh*
Toy Story is a classic children’s film from 1995. We sat down to watch the light-hearted animated comedy for the first time in probably 12 years. The movie begins with Woody, played by Tom Hanks, the most beloved actor in this household. Woody is confronted by Buzz Lightyear, played by Tim Allen, an astronaut action figure who believes that he is the real deal. The movie sets up for a grand betrayal from Woody, only to end with Woody and Buzz becoming lifelong companions for their kid, Andy. It is a genius plot filled with great characters and true warmth making you feel like a kid again. Truly, there is something about this movie that had me expressing my love and gratitude for Disney circa 1990s-2000s. The movie is filled with adventures from the whole gang, but really focuses on Woody and Buzz, something that the future movies forgo for more *complex* plots. There were full scenes that we had forgotten about when we watched this film again, and they were still just as great as they had been originally.
What I had forgotten about this film is the scene where all of the toys come alive and scare the shit out of the small child that lives next to Andy. I had forgotten all about this scene and found myself thinking, in a majority light-hearted way, about the therapy that kid had to go to. However, as a younger sister I felt respected that Sid was now terrified of toys and his little sister taunted him. We also forgot about how annoying those little green freaks are in the movie. Right before Woody and Buzz escape out of the claw machine, the aliens ruin their lives, but we do have to admit it’s a great scene. In all senses, it’s pretty thoughtful, funny and engaging for a kid’s movie. Don’t worry you adults! As all of our readers are either adults or teenagers we still say it’s worth a watch. Especially, if you can wrap up with a friend or family member and discuss how much you had forgotten about the film. We even suggest maybe zooming your friends and family during these COVID times and popping on the film.
Recommendation: You probably don’t even really remember most of this film anyway, might as well watch it again if you are at home looking for something to do.
Score: 16/20